Our Commitment to Giving Back
Making a Difference in The Communities We Serve
The Becker Law Firm utilizes the legal system to fight for full justice for children, mothers, and families who have been harmed by the negligence of others. However, not every problem lends itself to a legal solution. Becker Law Firm, LPA uses the power of philanthropy to continue to make a difference in the lives of the families we serve.

Mike’s Kids Foundation
Michael Becker and his wife Beverly started the Mike’s Kids Foundation as another way to help children who are physically and/or mentally challenged and their families through services, equipment, education, special care, and respite support.
We sponsor educational materials and learning opportunities for parents of children with special needs to help them maximize available resources. Our organization works to help kids overcome the hurdles in their lives.
Our primary objectives include:
- Providing direct financial assistance to defray the cost of equipment, education, treatment, medication, and/or respite care;
- Providing funding to other IRC §501(c)(3) tax-exempt charities which further the above- stated objectives of Mike's Kids.

Stop Bullying!: Kids' Views on Bullying by Michael F. Becker
Now available at these retailers:
Anti-Bullying Advocacy
We teamed up with WOIO - Cleveland 19 to create 2 Strong 4 Bullies, a campaign to spread the word about how to recognize bullying and stop it in its tracks. Recently, Becker Law Firm, LPA, the Mike's Kids Foundation, and WOIO – Cleveland 19 sponsored a contest among area students in the Third-Sixth Grades to show examples of bullying, what children should do if they're bullied, why bullying hurts and how they felt when bullying stops. The selected entries will appear in an upcoming anti-bullying book and the overall winner of the contest, Eliana Williams, received a check for $250.