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Complications When Your Baby is in the Breached Position


In a normal delivery, babies move headfirst down the birth canal. In a breachedbirth the feet or buttocks come down first. When a baby is in breached position, there could be complications at delivery, particularly if a doctor or the delivery team fails to address this serious issue. When a doctor fails to act when a baby is in a breached position, this might indicate medical negligence and the need for an Ohio birth injury claim.

In some cases of a breached position, a doctor will attempt to turn the baby’s position. Typically this isn’t done until the expectant mother is about 36 weeks along. In some cases the baby will turn with no medical intervention necessary. There are also risks with this procedure so a doctor will need to ensure it is safe for both the mother and the child.

Types of Breached Positions

There are 3 main types of breached positions. With each there is the risk of complications at delivery so it’s important a doctor discusses with the patient what those risks are, and what might be done to prevent them.

The 3 types of breached position include:

  • Complete Breech – legs are folded at the knees, with the feet near the buttocks which are down.
  • Frank Breech – legs are straight up in front of body, with the feet near the head and buttocks are pointed toward the birth canal.
  • Footling Breech – one or both of the feet are pointed toward birth canal.
  • If a doctor fails to notify you of the baby being in a breached position or otherwise acts in a manner that causes injuries, it may be the result of medical negligence and demonstrate cause for an Ohio birth injury claim.

Risk Factors for Breached Position

There are some factors which may increase the likelihood of having a baby in a breached position. This can happen when there is more than one child in the womb or if the baby is preterm.

Problems with the uterus could also increase the risk of a breached birth. If it is shaped abnormally, contains fibroids (or other abnormal growths), or has too little or too much amniotic fluid, it could increase the chance of a baby going into a breached position.

A breached birth can lead to complications in a vaginal delivery. This could include injuries, birth defect, and compressed umbilical cord (which can lead to brain and nerve damage).

Even if the doctor decides to deliver by way of Cesarean section, there are still potential complications such as infection and bleeding.

If your child suffered complications at delivery due to a breached birth, and you believe it was the result of medical negligence, you may be able to file a birth injury claim. A medical negligence lawyer can provide counsel on your legal rights.

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